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5 elements for captivating FMCG packaging design

Packaging design is a very effective way to catch a customer’s attention just as they are deciding what to purchase. This is especially true for FMCG products that have a quick turnover in people’s homes. The packaging design is your opportunity for shoppers to experience a moment of truth about your product. As they peruse the shelves, your packaging design can captivate them with the spirit, taste and story of your brand.

How important is packaging design? An Ipsos survey found that 72% of Americans polled said the packaging design influences whether or not they will buy a product. This is even more important, 81% surveyed said, when buying a gift.

The following five elements can help your packaging design captivate your next customer.

1) Uniqueness The blunt cut bob is a reminder of how Vidal Sassoon changed the world and launched his unforgettable name with a haircut. The revolutionary style coincided with the second wave of feminism and is a simple empowering image for women and the brand.

What is the special spirit, history or story that you want to tell through your packaging design? The image, words, and colors on your package should be designed to reflect your product’s exceptional value and personality. Is there a historical emblem that conveys your brand’s unquestionable quality? Does your unique color combo reflect the taste and spirit you want to convey? Is there an image that represents your brand? A memorable packaging design should be created that enables your product to stand out on the shelves.

2) Eco-friendly material

Many consumers are willing to do their part in making the globe more sustainable. A recent Ipsos survey found that 71% of Americans say they would more likely buy brands that use paper or cardboard in their packaging. Most (88%) said this is because paper is easier to recycle while 81% said it’s because it is more in line with today’s expectations. People want to live in a healthier more sustainable world

If you want to go further in displaying an initiative to be good to the earth, you can use material that is biodegradable, which means it can break down into components that would blend back into the earth. People know they are doing good when they buy your product and that can be the extra spark that compels them to take your product home.

3) Minimalism

Another progressive value people are attracted to is a design that is minimalistic, which is aesthetically pleasing and aligned with modern values.

A simple design allows the eyes to rest and focus on the one word or picture that you want to draw attention to. It conveys a confidence and focus on the most important message and spirit that brand wants to convey.

It is also more likely to be seen as a design that is welcome in the home. A simple design can easily blend with a kitchen or bathroom counter and add a touch of style to any room. Less is more when it comes to design.

4) Reusability

What better functional design than a package that is attractive and reusable? If a customer likes the shape of a bottle so much that she wants to use it to store other products, she’ll certainly buy it. If a box is so well-designed that it can be used to store other items as well, why wouldn’t she take it home with her?

Designing a reusable package design reflects the savviness of the brand and its environmental sensibilities. It puts your brand one notch above the others in giving value to the customer. Sometimes it’s as simple as the material used. The Ipsos study showed 63% surveyed would buy a product packaged with paper or cardboard because the packaging is reusable. This added value makes the product all that more compelling.

5) Artistic Good taste and style go a long way to call attention to your product. Use the design of the package to show your brand’s spirit and style. Do you want to convey elegance? Creativity? Youthful vitality? Design your packaging to appeal to your target customer. Do you want to reach young women? Men who love the outdoors? High income consumers who value premium quality? The style of your packaging design will speak to and attract the people you aim to reach.

Paradise Design has been designing packaging for global FMCG giants for over 20 years, helping the world’s famous brands meet their marketing goals.

Paradise offers free consultations on your product’s packaging design or other design needs. This consultation includes a written report that gives you market research and specific suggestions for a successful marketing design campaign.

For more information, contact natalie (at)

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